Tuesday 22 November 2011

A lady or two.

Some stuff I did in an attempt at an application for a university fashion magazine. I'd never done anything like this before so I figured my portfolio was a tad lacking in regard to the advert... 

Didn't get it, job I mean. Think I'd have died of shock if I had, I saw the ad on artjobs.com the deadline 2 days away and I thought hey have a go!... Would have been good to have got it though :(  

Paper got a bit wobbly on these two damnit!! But I didn't have enough time to re-do em and I thought if they like my style they'll like my style and will tell me where I'm going wrong etc. 

Oh well.  Also was a total berk and forgot to compress me flipping images! What a fool!! So yeah bearing all that in mind I really did not expect much. 

Had fun making them though was great doing something a bit different from the norm! 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Where I've been at, so far this Autumn:

Happy Halloween!!! 

Sis and I were going for a bit of a batman theme here: Lady two face and Harley Quinn! Highlight of the night was freaking bar staff out on first glance! Love love :D

Now this face has a story! Basically everything on it was improvised and hand made or almost! I stupidly bought a face painting kit with no blue in it. Was really bummed out for about 5 mins because I was going for a batman animated series kinda two face look but never fear! Did you know zombie green and lavender make a rather lovely powder blue?? Neither did I until I covered my face in it! To up the blue vibe i dusted electric blue eye shadow over the top when dry. Unfortunately the light doesn't do it's shimmery glittery blueness justice. Damn.

The mouth was made using loo paper, spot reducing goo (Clearasil I think...) pva glue and  black red and white face paint. I won't lie it wasn't the most comfortable experience. The spot cream helped in making the mixture a bit more flexible but it was still very peculiar. Second highlight of the night was the oohs and ahhs i got while eating a bag of crisps. Apparently the teeth moved with my jaw so they really looked like they were chomping away! Cute. I couldn't finish the whole bag though as my deformed tissue lip started to fall off. Longest time I've not smiled or eaten I think!  I am (and I think the occasional Trish will agree with me here) a rather facially expressive person. Well expressive full stop...  Usually I go round looking like this!! 

.... I don't do facial stillness.

So yeah Halloween was fun aaand as you may have gathered by the above I graduated last week.  I am now officially Miss R. Morgan BA Hons. 


Other arty things I've done, apart graduating with an art degree, are:

This is my hall way. I wasn't in the position to buy expensive paint and meh kinda predictable and boring anyway so instead went around DIY shops taking interesting wall paper samples. I pinned these to the walls nailed in a few photo frames and pictures and I must say it looks rather neat.  

.... yes there is a gas mask hanging from that door handle. 

Rice crispy cakes aren't exactly an art but the way this cow  was coveting them was just too good to ignore. (This is the cats special lactos-free milk by the way, us humans aka 'the help' have bog standard normal milk!)

Will leave pet news to another time though. 

................    (''.)  ! 

Wednesday 28 September 2011

(All to the theme tune of Love story)

Aj: Hey baby what's wrong?

...'the cat': I think we should stop seeing each other....

Aj: But why my little ginger snap???
...'the cat': The dog is still breathing. If you really loved me the brute would be toast by now.

Mmmmmmmmm delicious toast...

Aj: Why is your toast on a paper plate.... and where did you get it from???.... And how did I get here?

...'the cat': I'm not a rocket scientist!!!!! You know what never bloody mind, I knew you wouldn't understand! It's like when you gave me meal worms for our anniversary, you just don't get me, you don't get what I'm about, who I am god damn it Ajax I need to feel like a feline!!!

Aj: Well if that's how you feel I'll uhh well I'll just go back to my tank. I'll bring your stuff round in the morning, still have that piece of string and the cat nip treat you lent me Tuesday. 

....'the cat': I think it's for the best. sob* 

Aj: It's a shame coz uhh... well I'd kinda made this amazing phenomenal fool proof dog exterminating plan. The papers are in my car actually, but I broke down near the sofa and had to walk the rest of the way and uhh well you didn't really give me any time to tell you.......but hey y'know I'm rambling and you're probably really busy I'll just go...  

'the cat...' ....................................WAIT! 

Aj: 1, 2, 3.....

'the cat...' Aj baby I think maybe I was too rash, we can't fall at the first teeny weeny hurdle we've got to work at this relationship.... and coughhhh plan, come back over here my little marmalade roll! 

Aj: hehehehe

Aj: Now to think of a phenomenal fool proof plan!.... meh she thinks I have a car, I reckon I can blag it. (Seriously though why was that toast on a paper plate? Is it because 'the help' are lazy bums? Yes I think it is. )

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Pushing through the rut.... lamely.

I've not done any real art/illustration all summer. Needed a good break from uni and I'll be honest with you... my pens ran out. They ran out and the stupid university is moving the art department to gawd knows where and just to really kick us all while were down threw the art shop away too. The only place I could get my damn pens. :/ Jotter does em but they never replenish their stock and don't do customer orders apparently. Why stock them at all?? FOOLS!

Anyway here's some of my lamo first attempts after months of abstinence. They're NOT finished! I would not put this tripe on line if it were finished and if I wasn't trying to re-boot my groove. 

Anyway here it is. Don't ask me what they are, just half finished doodles. 

This ones sorta based on a character in a children's book I'm writing but it's a bit more blahh ! ? 

I'm finding this blog good actually. No one bar the occasional Trish? lol reading it atm yet here it is on the web, it's oddly liberating and quite motivational. 

Gee I'm feeling all sombre, dunno why... oh well pip pip. 

Save the dates in progress:

with all the weddingy chopping and changing and fussing and messing one thing remains constant: My save the dates! I've done just over 20 so far.

Sneaky malteser bag got in there lol

Ta daaaa! Not finished yet though, still need to put the magnet on the back, add the date (duh) and fill that right hand corner, haven't decided with what yet. 

Saturday 24 September 2011

And then a dog unwittingly declared war...

This handsome pup is the newest addition to the family.

Gentle trusting eyes.... how could they comprehend the wrath of Ajax and.......... 'the cat.'


Oh I wish I had a photo of Ajax and the cat's new alliance.  Think the 'soon to be ball and chain' may have one on his phone but until confirmed a description will have to do. 

Anecdote time!!


Since the arrival of the pooch Ajax and........... 'the cat' have become very pally. TOO pally. Napping together, letting one sit on the others back, talking in whispers. That sorta thing. It was cute, it was charming.... little did we know. 

The inevitable meet and greet with the new arrival commenced soon after. DISASTER. Dog narrowly escaped with face. I don't mean face as in pride, I mean literally her face. 

The plans continued. 

Then one day last week all unfolded! Dog was lured around the back to......... 'the cat's' territory and Ajax's look out point of the bedroom window. But where was she? ........'the cat' was gone! Dog is puzzled, anxious to meet new cranky friend again. Ohhh poor hound be careful what you wish for. ..........'the cat' descends upon the head of the unsuspecting pooch from the roof, claws extended teeth barred in a chillingly precise tactic of fear and aero dynamic hatred!!! Dog is bewildered, attempts a hug, .........'the cat'!....... is gone. 

Dog is really confused now. What's with this house-mate? Doesn't she know German shepherds X Rottweilers are the friendliest, daftest and most intelligent dogs in the world??? What's her beef?? 

She follows on, eager to settle differences but to no avail. .......'The cat' suddenly appears from the left and goes for the eyes! Pooch doges blow and attempts to lick ..........'the cat's'  enraged and flabbergasted face.

Finally ...........'The cat'  rolls her eyes crosses her paws and saunters off to join her partner in crime on the bedroom windowsill to formulate another plan.

 Dog sees a bee and squishes it while trying to give it a hug. 

The end. 

Thursday 22 September 2011

Art storming: Yeah!

Art storming event for my parents team building company: Just had to put these up, so so so impressed, I've seen stuff way worse than this in the Uni's 3rd year fine art show over the years!

Just flippin gorgeous really!